Tuesday, April 30, 2024

U.P.Z.A. & L.R. Act 1950

Classes of intermediaries and cultivators who were made bhumidhar after abolition of Zamindari in UP

What classes of intermediaries and cultivators were made bhumidhar's under the U.P. Zamindari Abolition and Land Reforms Act, 1950 ? Before coming into force of the U.P. Z.A. and...

Meaning of khud – kasht land

Meaning of khud-kasht land It means the land which was used by the Zamindars for cultivation. No doubt he can take the help of the...

Meaning of ‘Sir’ land

Meaning of 'Sir' Land It means to 'own' . This refers to the land which was owned directly by the landlord. Land was cultivated by...

Meaning of ‘Sayar’

Meaning of 'Sayar'  Section 3(20) of the UP Tenancy Act defines it. It includes whatever is to be paid out delivered by a lessee or...

Meaning of ‘Cess’

Meaning of 'Cess'  The term Cess has not been defined in the act. It is basically a tax imposed by a Zamindar at his own...

Meaning and definition of Mahal under UP Land Revenue Act

Meaning and definition of 'Mahal' Mahal is plot of land under one title (ownership). It was the smallest fiscal unit for the payment of land...

Definition of legal representative under UPZA and LR Act

Definition of legal representative It has the same meaning as defined under  section 2(11) of the Code of Civil Procedure 1908. The above definition have the...

Meaning of Rent – Free – Grantee

Definition of rent free grantee The person who was granted the land free by landlord, in other words no rent was recieved on this land....

Who is Grove Holder under UPZA and LR Act 1950 ?

Meaning of grove Holder  A person who has planted a grove on land which was given which was given to him or granted by the...

Who was intermediary ?

The term intermediary refers to a person who existed before the Zamindari abolition Act. It was called by different names Zamindar, Taluqdar,Zagirdar. They were...

What is the meaning of Estate under UPZA and LR Act 1950 ?

Meaning of Estate The term "Estate" has been defined under section 3(8)of the UPZA and LR Act 1950. According to this definition the term Estate...